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How can I record a Digital TV program? [2]

It is also possible to use a set-top-box (STB) in conjuction with a VCR or a DVD recorder that does not
have a digital tuner. The system works fairly well, but remember, the output of the STB  is analog &
will thus be of lower quality, but still free of ghosting & snow. Simply tell your VCR or DVD recorder to
record Ch. 4 (or 3 - whichever your STB uses) for the correct time and  duration. Then set your
STB to the correct channel and leave it on.  Cumbersome, but it works.

There is a better solution ... one which is now in use in a number of Logan Lake homes. While we
cannot endorse any particular machine or retailer, Magnavox sell PVR's, with 320GB  to 1TB hard drives
and a DVD recorder/player.  These units are the closest thing to a replacement for a VCR, in the digital age.  They are easy to use (set them just like a VCR) and have a digital tuner built in.  They can record  hundreds
of hours of TV on the hard-drive and you can copy programs you want to keep, on to a DVD. Sadly, these
units are not available in Canada, though their instructions are in English & French.

These units can be ordered from (there may also be other US sources) but NOT
Walmart.CA. will not ship the units to Canada, but they will ship them to the nearest
US Walmart, for free. Thus, you can have one shipped to, say, the Bellingham, WA., store; and then
make a day trip to go and pick it up.  Not the perfect solution, but one which does work.

Update:  As of July, 2019, these units seem to no longer be available on

These Magnavox units are also listed on, for Canadian delivery, but since August, 2018,  all
models are shown as "out of stock" with no definite date for restocking.  You may wish to check this source.

[Click here for still more options.]
Last updated 11 JUly 2019.